It has now been 2 months since my acl reconstruction surgery. For the purpose of comparison and where I've gone and the road ahead, I've posted a before and after surgery picture of my right knee. Not to mention I now have more scars to my already battered knees!
Here is my check list
Walk like a normal human being √
Though it was fun to walk like a zombie!
Go up and down the stairs like a human being √
This was a big step, especially going down the stairs to get to my favourite coffee shop!
Flex my quads √
An important step. When I was able to flex my quads, many things linked together and my range of motion improved dramatically
Kick my heels to my bum 1/2√
I can with some assistance. My hamstrings are still very weak. This is of same importance as flexing my quads. It took FOREVER to get to a certain point but once you get there, there is no stopping this runaway train!
Jumping 1/2√
I can jump on a bosu but not very high yet, especially with 1 leg. I can jump, and feel safe at about the height of 2 text book. bohoo...
Agility ladder drills √√
I feel like a ninja doing these drills!
Bike √√
I still have difficulties with standing drills, especially at the top end dead spot that I just discovered
Not yet but soon
We are not even going there...
Working on the range of motion of my knee and strengthening the muscles around my knee is ALWAYS a work in progress. I even take the time to do it at work.

Nothing hurts as much as when someone points out that your muscles have atrophied. My muscles shrunk? What? Merde! Yes, my muscles have shrunk in no time and building them back to their pre-surgery state will take time. Last week my physiotherapist pointed out my little quad and hamstring bulge. That's right, I have little muscle bulges now! Woohooo!
To think that surgery took 1 hour and recovery to pre-surgery shape can take up to 6 months.
Now, this is the physical aspect. We cannot forget the mental game. In a day, I spend about 1.5 hour doing my knee exercises. They are rather challenging and keep my mind busy but I cannot help myself but think how much I would rather spend that 1.5 hour going for a run/bike outside or a swim. I miss training and I miss the social aspect that comes with training. Then there is the aspect of going back on my cyclocross bike and race again. What mental game will be playing in my head then? I know part of me will be scared but in time, I HAVE to get over that barrier and just let it go!

art by gmb chomichuk