Wowzers! We are already October! Where did summer go? Through the fast-forward seasonal tunnel that's where!
1) Juncos are foraging in flocks in our yard, eating whatever insects and seeds they can find before going south with the rest of their feathered friends.
2) Merino wool winter cycling coolar. Mornings are getting cold and i hate the cool breeze on my neck. And you can never go wrong with merino wool. Now does this come in polka dots?
3) As summer turns to fall, some of us start to get this creeping feeling
while trying to squeeze in bike rides after work: We notice that it’s
getting dark earlier, day by day, and pretty soon we’re riding the last
bit of trail into the parking lot. It is not such a happy time.
You have three options:
a. Retire to your garage to wax and tune your skis.
b. Get depressed and start streaming entire seasons of your favorite TV shows so you can watch them when it’s dark outside.
c. Get a better light for your bike.
I vote for C!
4) Pumpkin pie! I'll be having some of this simple pleasure this weekend! drooling already...
5) The old oak trees have shed their acorns. With all the traffic on the streets and crushing them, it has formed a paste-like substance along the curves. Acorn butter... i bet someone could make lots of money on this..