I love yogurt and include it in my daily routine, but buying organic yogurt at the local supermarket can quickly add up on your grocery bill!
I decided to take the leap the other day and discovered that it is a ridiculously simple process. So why make your own yogurt? By making your own, you control what you put into it and for those that are lactose intolerant or vegan, a soy option is also available. I followed this recipe.
A friend of ours came over and noticed my yummy yogurt. His wife has been making homemade yogurt for years and was impress on the creaminess and thickness of my yogurt. I guess it was beginners luck. He mentioned that his wife adds lemon juice to her yogurt. Interesting. I might give that a try next time around.
Now to use my homemade yogurt as a face mask...just kidding. That would be a waste of good yogurt! Mmmmm, yummy bowl of homemade yogurt and granola with fresh fruits and nuts. And maybe a few pieces of dark chocolate in the mix!