Once again, The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour returns, and this event has quickly become a tradition. It brings excitement, spectacle, and the richness of the mountains and mountain culture to our little prairie city. Every year, there is always those few films that leaves me in awe.
For me, it was Obe and Ashima. Ashima is a nine-year-old girl from New York City taking the bouldering world by storm. Guided by her coach and former bouldering star Obe Carrion, this tiny master is crushing competitions and raising the bar for her peers. A trip to the bouldering mecca of Hueco Tanks provides a glimpse of the past for Obe and the start of amazing new adventures for Ashima.
In short, i loved the coach - athlete relationship that was demonstrated in this film. Since a young age, and still to this day, i have had excellent coaches and i believe they have contributed in a big way to who i am today.
So to all the coaches out there, thanks for all your hard work, patience, dedication and humour. It has been a great ride and still looking forward to the next workout to kick my ass!
Note: i could not find a film or a trailer that was specific to Ashima and Obe. The best the i could find was the above. Sorry...